Friday, 18 March 2016


I want to write this post because I have experienced this a lot...a lot more than I should. I even experienced this last night so I thought I could write about it. 

Basically, why do people feel the need to beep their horns, whistle or shout at random people? This has happened to me so many times and each time it has been a male that has done it! I'm not saying that girls don't do it to guys as I have never experienced it or heard a story about it but if there are girls who do this then they are matter what gender you are, trying to scare, intimidate or make someone uncomfortable for the 'lols' is NOT okay! 

Last night (at about half 10) as I was walking back home from my local town, I was already at the point of nearly having a panic attack as my anxiety was really high and I was freezing cold. As I was trying to remain as calm as I could, a car drove past me and some lad stuck his head out of the window and whistled at me. This then triggered my anxiety off more and the fear of them turning the car around and driving back towards me was there. Why the f**k would you see a girl walking on her own at half 10 at night and decided to whistle at her? Why is that acceptable? Is it so amusing to try and make people feel uncomfortable? I hope they found it hilarious because I am sure it will be hilarious if in the future they have daughters and the same thing happens to them. The fact I was only about 5 minutes into a 30-35 minutes walk and that happened. I even cried straight after it had happened. Whether I have anxiety or not, I shouldn't have to deal with idiots thinking it's okay to do shit like that. 

I'll never forget my 15th birthday when I was out with a couple of friends and it was raining so I decided to go home. I was in shorts, a vest, a long cardigan and pumps...and it was a long walk home. As I got half way home, I noticed the bin men were out doing their job so I tried to hurry past them so I didn't get in their way. As I walked past them, they wolf-whistled and shouted inappropriate things at me. I was 15...15 YEARS OLD! This is going to sound really pathetic but ever since then, if there are bin men outside and I am planning on going out then I will wait for them to go or if I see them while I am out then I will try and avoid them as much as I can. So here I am, nearly 20 years old, with a fear of bin men just because of what I had to deal with when I was 15. 

Another thing I want to mention is that a couple of years ago, I was watching 'The Alan Titchmarsh Show' (I have no idea why) and here is a link to what I am about to talk about - 

Alan said that if a young girl is dressed in a crop top and short skirt and she walks past a building sight, then obviously the builders are going to whistle (although he said he doesn't condone it) but the fact that he would even say that disgusted me!! He didn't say how disgusting it was for GROWN MEN to whistle at young girls but obviously mentioned about the way young girls dress. What disgusted me the most (and which actually made me quite upset) was how poorly he (and some other dickhead) treated the woman who was trying to defend the way girls get treated. Ever since then, every time Alan is on the TV, my eyes automatically roll so far back into my head till the point I actually look possessed. It reminded me of my 15th birthday and it upset me that I was made to think that it was my fault that I got harassed by bin men!! 

Being as we are on the topic of being harassed because of the sort of clothes girls wear, another experience of mine was when I was waiting at the bus stop pretty much the same week as that Alan Titchmarsh debate. I was wearing shorts, tights, a crop top, a hoodie and boots. It was September time so it was still warm outside so I thought "oh okay, shorts and a crop top will be fine". I was waiting for the bus for about 5 -10 minutes and in the space of that time, 5/6 times car horns were beeped at me as they all drove past me. That's ridiculous!! There have even been times when I have been out with a friend and we were both in shorts and as we would walk to McDonald's, we had to deal with horns beeping constantly at us. 

Whenever I am at the bus stop, no matter what I am wearing, guys will still drive past me and feel the need to beep their horn at me. There is honestly no need for it! One time, a guy who was driving his car actually stuck his head of the window as he drove past me and stared at me WHILE HE WAS DRIVING! Yeah mate, don't worry about getting into a car accident or running someone over, just carry on looking at me! :) :) :) :) :)

There was also a time when I had just left the house and some guys in a white van literally shouted out of the window which nearly triggered off a panic attack. I just don't understand why people need to do it. 

There is so much more I can say in this post but I have written a lot more than I planned to...oops! It's just something I really wanted to talk about and after what happened to me last night, I felt like it was the right time to write about it. I also want to point out that I am not trying to say that it is just guys that do this...I also want to say to any guys that are reading this, I am sorry about the girls who do this to's disgusting behaviour no matter what gender someone is and it needs to stop!

If anybody reading this has had any experience of this, feel free to comment below :) No one should have to feel uncomfortable, scared or intimidated in public by pathetic people x

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