Monday, 10 October 2016


So today (10th October) is world mental health day. If you've read some of my other posts then you will know that I have been open with the fact that I have anxiety.

Let's try and ignore the fact that I am such a fail for not posting on my blog for a few months...oops. I would love to say that the reason I haven't blogged in a while is because I live such a busy, social and happy life that I just don't have time to blog...but that's not the case at all. My mental health hasn't been in a great place recently and because of this, I've just really found it difficult to motivate myself to do anything.

Anxiety has pretty much taken over my life. It affects my social life, getting a job, sleeping, leaving the house, getting out of bed and other simple tasks.

Even though it affects my life massively (and many other people's lives), it's still not taken seriously as it should be, as well as other mental illnesses. Many people don't seem to understand that mental health is just as important as physical health. Just because you can't see it, doesn't mean it's not there.

There are no 'requirements' to having a mental illness.
-You can still have a mental illness if you haven't had anything bad happen to you.
-You can still have a mental illness if your parents are still together and happy.
-You can still have a mental illness if you have a lot of money.
-You can still have a mental illness if you have a roof over your head, food to eat, water to drink.
-Your mental illness is valid no matter what your life is like.

I've been told I use my anxiety as an excuse. I've been told that I need to get over myself. I've been told that I've got nothing to worry about. I've been told I have no reason to be unhappy or anxious.

Everyday is a struggle for me but I try my best to get through each day. You might not be able to see it but it is there and this is the same for many people in this world whether they have anxiety, depression, eating disorders, bipolar and more.

To anybody reading this who has a mental illness, you are incredible. Everyday is difficult but you get through it and I am so proud of you all. You deal with all of the bullshit people say about mental illness. You are worth more than you realise and I hope that one day you find happiness. Even though it's probably taking longer than you would like, better days are there...just keep fighting.

If anybody ever needs anyone to talk to then feel free to comment below or you can message me on tumblr ( :) You are not alone!

Or if you have something to say then please comment if you want to :)

I just hope one day that mental health will be taken more seriously and that there won't be a stigma with it!!

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