James Bay - Chaos And The Calm

James Bay is one artist I have been loving since I first found out about him at the end of 2014. His voice is so perfect and chilled and I just love him. I would have to say that my favourite songs on this album are Move Together, Scars, Running, Best Fake Smile and If You Ever Want To Be In Love. I think this is a perfect album if you just want to chill out with a hot drink or a cheeky alcoholic drink (if you are legal to of course).
Fall Out Boy - American Beauty/American Psycho
Fall Out Boy are one of my favourite bands so obviously I am going to include them in this ;) What I like about this album is that it is different from their other albums. Obviously I do miss their old style but I would be lying if I said I didn't love their new style as well. I would say what my favourite songs of this album are but I would end up listing pretty much the whole album ;)
The Weeknd - Beauty Behind The Madness
I have been a fan of The Weeknd pretty much since Crew Love was released and he has never let me down with any of his music. This album came out the same day as Halsey's (I will talk about Badlands ;)) so I had two albums that I was excited to listen to! Dark Times is one of my favourites and the fact that Ed Sheeran is on that song makes it even better. Tell Your Friends, Often, Losers, The Hills, Acquainted...I am literally about to start listing all of the songs on the album because I am just in love with pretty much every song.
All Time Low - Future Hearts
Can I just start off by saying that All Time Low are such a good band *cries*...anyway...this album is brilliant. I love it!! Pretty much all of the songs on this album are amazing and I am in love with them all. Tidal Waves was the song I fell in love with straight away and also Bail Me Out. At the moment, I am still obsessed with Satellite!
Jess Glynne - I Cry When I Laugh
Honestly, this album was something I decided to randomly listen to when it came out and I wasn't expecting to love it as much I did. She has got such an incredible voice and she really proves it on this album. I fell in love with Take Me Home the second I listened to it as the lyrics are beautiful and moving. I was expecting the album to be filled with upbeat songs like Hold My Hand and Right Here but it was so nice to know that she can also do songs like Take Me Home and Saddest Vanilla.
Halsey - Badlands
This album has been out since August and it still gives me life!! I started to become a big fan of Halsey from the start of 2015 and I have been loving her ever since. This album is amazing (and I'm not just saying that because I love her). There are so many good songs on this album that you can just chill and listen to. Plus, I am in love with the majority of the lyrics. Colors has been my favourite song since I first heard it and I'm still not bored of it yet.
Bring Me The Horizon - That's The Spirit
I'll be honest, before this album, I had never really listened to BMTH as I never really gave them the chance. The only songs I had really listened to were Drown, Can You Feel My Heart and Shadow Moses. When this album came out, I decided to listen to it on Spotify as I wanted some new music to listen to. I loved Drown when I first head it so I expected this album to be decent...and it was. It shocked me how much I actually loved this album. Happy Song is definitely one of my favourite songs off the album.
The Vamps - Wake Up
The Vamps are another one of my favourite bands and I have seen them pretty much grow as a band before even Connor joined. I remember in 2013 when I went to see them at a free gig when they weren't really known and we were in the 3rd row. My throat is still messed up from that gig I swear! But anyway, obviously I am going to say this album is amazing (which it is ;)). I am loving Boy Without A Car, Half Way There, Coming Home, Be With You and Stolen Moments.
Twenty One Pilots - Blurryface
Twenty One Pilots have always been a band that I have known about but never actually listened to their music...until about August/September time...and I am annoyed at myself for not listening to them sooner. What I love about them is that they don't really have a set genre and I actually really like that. Heavydirtysoul, Goner, Doubt, Tear In My Heart, Polarize and Stressed Out are probably my favourites off this album.
Justin Bieber - Purpose
Justin Bieber has always been a bit of guilty pleasure of mine as I never really liked him but I did really like a lot of his music. 2015 was a very good year for the Biebs and I would like to think he has won everyone over (because he has won me over). I was pretty excited to listen to this album after hearing the songs he had already released and also because of the song he did with Halsey. When I listened to the album, I listened to The Feeling straight away and fell in love it. I am not just saying it because I love Halsey but that is my favourite song off the album ;) But this album is really decent and I can't help but applaud Justin!!
One Direction - Made In The A.M.
Obviously I had to add this into this post ;) When Zayn left, I was abit worried about how their new music was going to turn out being as Zayn's vocals are incredible and play a big part in One Direction songs. But this album has proved that Zayn's vocals aren't really needed (I tried not to say that in a mean way). This album is just perfect (no pun intended ;)) and I love it!! I am actually struggling to pick my favourite songs because I will end up listing the whole album. The only problem I have with this album is that a chill song will play (Long Way Down) so you start to feel chilled and relax.... then boom, you end up crapping yourself because a karate type of noise is the next thing you hear (Never Enough is a really good song though)...that's the only problem I have with the album though ;)
The Maine - American Candy
Like with Twenty One Pilots, I only really started listening to The Maine around about the same time...and as well, I am annoyed that I didn't start listening to them sooner. They are such a good band!! This album is such a chill out album, I love it. I am loving pretty much every song on this album. I think English Girls, Another Night On Mars and My Hair are my favourites though!
5 Seconds of Summer - Sounds Good Feels Good
So yeah this album is good....
....IT'S BLOODY AMAZING!! If you know me then you will know that I am a big 5SOS fan ;) The build up to this album was so tense and I was just so excited because new 5SOS music is what I live for. This album is honestly perfect and also beautifully written. Some of the songs on this album mean a lot to me and this album in general has got me through these past few shitty months. Songs like Invisible, Broken Home and The Girl Who Cried Wolf are songs that could make you cry (I was a right mess when I listened to them) but you also have songs like Money, Waste The Night and Catch Fire that make you just want to jump around and dance. I would list my favourite songs but I just love them all...I still can't get over how incredible this album is! I am gutted that I won't be seeing them live this year as I would love to see a lot of these songs being performed live and also because they are my favourite band :(
Has anybody else been loving any of these albums? or any other album? :) x
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